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2015-11-18 01:28:09

I'll call back later ●●●●●●pine ●●●●●●●●●●●●n P●●●●●●o is ●●●●●●g his post at L●●●●●●ol until 2015, and says the ●●●●●●ences ●●●●●●n the two ●●●●●● are ●●●●●●ng. “L●●●●●●ol is a place of crazy ●●●●●●ity. They ●●●●●● know how to have a good time. S●●●●●●es I see the ●●●●●●ge of a ●●●●●● good S●●●●●●y night out when I’m ●●●●●●g up the hill to the P●●●●●●monic Hall, ●●●●●●s Oslo seems to go to sleep at about 8.00pm. Also there’s a big ●●●●●●ence in the ●●●●●●. In L●●●●●●ol ●●●●●● are ●●●●●●y open the first time you meet them. N●●●●●●an ●●●●●● seem much more ●●●●●●e, you feel they only share their ●●●●●●gs with a small inner ●●●●●●. But once you're ●●●●●●d in they're very warm.”